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Jamaal Bowman Polls

Whos Ahead in National Presidential Polls

Latimer Enjoys a Double-Digit Lead Over Bowman

Bowman, Overpowered on the Airwaves and Behind in the Polls, Embraces the Left's Star

As the historically expensive bid to unseat Rep. Jamaal Bowman enters its final frantic hours, a moderate White county executive, Latimer, enjoys a double-digit lead in the polls. Leading up to the June 2024 Democratic primary, Latimer has overpowered Bowman on the airwaves and holds a significant advantage in recent surveys.

Bowman, a vocal progressive, has sought to energize his base by embracing the left's star, Senator Bernie Sanders, in a last-ditch effort to close the gap. However, Latimer's campaign has successfully painted Bowman as too extreme for the district, highlighting his support for policies like Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal.

The race has become increasingly heated in recent weeks, with both candidates unleashing a barrage of negative ads. Bowman's campaign has accused Latimer of being a Republican in disguise, while Latimer's camp has painted Bowman as a dangerous socialist. The outcome of the primary will have significant implications for the Democratic Party, as it will test the strength of the progressive movement and the viability of moderate candidates in 2024.
